Monday, August 3, 2009

Weight Loss: How To Lose Weight The Right Way-7 Common Gym Mistakes

You keep working out but you don’t notice any significant results? Are you sure you do everything right? Do you do the exercises you really need to do? Find out what you do wrong and how you can correct your mistakes!

Mistake No. 1. Wasting your time.
You were given a program to complete in 40 min, but you finish it in an hour. What’s the problem? Your muscles don’t work with full intensity and therefore you don’t get the quick results you want and consequently lose an urge to work out.
Solution: don’t waste your time walking around and doing long breaks. How many times have you caught yourself wandering around or sitting staring into space until you sense that the guy waiting for your station is getting wound up and you launch into the next set? This is likely to sabotage your workout. The recovery time is important, but 60 seconds are sufficient for your muscles to rest. You can simply do stretching between your weight lifting sets. Besides, don’t use gym as a socializing place. This steals lots of your work efficiency!

Mistake No.2. Routine: you always stick to the same workout
It’s natural we all tend to repeat the things we like doing, but doing the work out routines our muscles get used to the same moves, thus it is essential to change the workouts.
Solution: Change your program after four to six weeks. Mix the exercises for the various body parts. As well as changing your workout, you can mix it up by cross training – try a circuit or kickboxing class once a week.

Mistake No. 3. Running on an even treadmill.
The treadmill is one of the best to burn calories, but it’s efficiency will depend on how you going to run.
Solution: Choose some inclination. If you run or walk into the inclined angle, your muscles will be forced to work harder and thus you will burn significantly more calories.

Mistake No.4. You support yourself while running.
While running on the treadmill you keep supporting and leaning yourself to it, thus cheating because your workout loses its intensity and efficiency.
Solution: Slow down the speed till you feel you can run leaving your hands flexible by your sides or on the grip only to maintain balance. If you grab them and transfer your weight to it, you won’t be working out efficiently and you will burn fewer calories.

Mistake No. 5. Exercising with no weight
For example, you can do hundreds of crunched, but you will never have a six pack without adding some additional weight.
Solution: Crunches will be efficient if you spice your regular exercises with an added dumbbell on your chest. Mix exercises: do exercises for legs with weights which burn lots of calories. You will never achieve a six pack if you don’t burn calories. Don’t forget the balanced diet. Click Here to see more diet solutions

Mistake No. 6. Incorrect breathing
Lots of people don’t know the correct respiration.
Solution: breathe naturally, not too fast, nor too slow. Never hold your breath on your weight lifting exercises. With correct breathing you can achieve best results. The golden rule: exhale contracting the muscles and inhale releasing. That is to exhale on exertion (the hard part of the movement) and inhale during the easier part of a movement. On a push up, for example, you inhale on the way down and exhale when you are pushing up away from the floor.

Mistake No. 7. You hurry too much
Remember: quality over quantity!
Solution: Make your moves slowly but with a proper coordination, especially if you work with weights, do stretching or Pilates exercises. If you hurry too much your joints are overloaded just like your muscles. Perform your exercises slowly, feeling every muscle contract.

Would you like to know more? Check out This Site for more info about above topic.

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