Thursday, July 30, 2009

How To Lose Weight Tips: Doing Sports and Losing Weight/Heart rate

How to lose weight? What need to know about losing weight? What need to know about doing sports and losing weight? And about heart rate?

Heart rate index is important while working out. The heart rate during exercise is an indicator of intensity, or in other words how hard you are working. As you get fitter, your heart rate should decrease for any given exercise workload. During exercise, your heart rate will depend on the intensity of exercise, your fitness level, and your maximum heart rate (which may also depend on your age).

The Karvonen Formula is a mathematical formula that helps you determine your target heart rate (HR) training zone. The formula factors in your resting heart rate, therefore, you’ll need to determine your resting heart rate by doing the following:

• Prior to getting out of bed in the morning, take your pulse on your wrist (radial pulse) or on the side of your neck (carotid pulse).
• Count the number of beats, starting with zero, for one minute. If you don’t have a stop watch or a second hand in your bedroom, you can measure the time by watching for the number to change on a digital alarm clock. Find your pulse and start counting when the minute number changes the first time, stop counting when it changes again.
• To help assure accuracy, take your resting heart rate three mornings in a row and average the 3 heart rates together.

Another element in finding your training heart rate zone is determining the intensity level at which you should exercise. As a general rule, you should exercise at intensity between 50% - 85% of your heart rate reserve. Your individual level of fitness will ultimately determine where you fall within this range. Use the following table as a guide for determining your intensity level:

Beginner or low fitness level . . .50% - 60%
Average fitness level . . . . . . . . 60% - 70%
High fitness level . . . . . . . . . . . 75% - 85%

Now that we’ve determined and gathered the information needed, we can pull the information together in the Karvonen Formula:

Target Heart Rate = ((max HR − resting HR) × % Intensity) + resting HR example
220 - Age = Maximum Heart Rate

For example, Amanda is 40 yrs old, has a resting heart rate of 75 and she’s just beginning her exercise program (her intensity level will be 50% - 60%.) Amanda’s training heart rate zone will be 127-138 beats per minute:
Amanda's Minimum Training Heart Rate:
220 - 40 (Age) = 180
180 - 75 (Rest. HR) = 105
105 x .50 (Min. Intensity) + 75 (Rest. HR) = 127 Beats/Minute
Amanda's Maximum Training Heart Rate:
220 - 40 (Age) = 180
180 - 75 (Rest. HR) = 105
105 x .60 (Max. Intensity) + 75 (Rest. HR) = 138 Beats/Minute

Would you like to know more? Check out This Site or Click Here and find amazing tips and advice about weight loss and more...

Monday, July 27, 2009

How to Lose Weight Tips: Doing Sports and Losing Weight-Sports As Your Habit and Way of Life

It’s been known for centuries that losing weight doesn’t include only a special diet. Sports has always been the most important thing losing and maintaining weight, shaping your body and most importantly keeping your body healthy and strong. In this article you’ll find out what one should do trying to get accustomed to doing sports and making it a regular habit or simply - way of life.

How many sports do I need?

First of all, if you’re not certain, consult your physician before starting working out. Most of the people should work out 3-5 times a week for 30-60 minutes. The benefit of sports is countless; therefore even couple of minutes of some physical activity makes you feel more energetic than doing nothing.
Where to start off?

Some important things you should bear in mind and include in your daily activity:

- forget the elevator-climb the stairs;
- on your lunch break, walk out for a stroll;
- make half or all the way back home on foot;
- do your housekeeping works with full range of energy and tempo;
- clean your backyard; rake the leaves into the heap etc.

As already mentioned, consult your physician before doing any sports. Start practicing sports. This is especially important if you haven’t moved or done any sports before, have any health problems, if you’re a senior or expecting a baby. Start slowly. If you haven’t done sports for years, you won’t be able to run a marathon straight away and not even in 2 weeks. Start from a simple 10 min stretch or fast walking and increase the duration and intensity step by step.

How to get accustomed to doing sports?

1. Find a partner. Unless you’re type of person who likes to be alone, doing sports with some friends is not only more enjoyable, but also gives more motives to achieve better results.
2. Avoid the routine. If you mix the trainings, they won’t get boring. There’ll be a lesser possibility to get injured, too. One day choose jogging, another day drive a bike or take a dance/aerobics class.
3. Choose a convenient time. Don’t start practicing right after you’ve eaten or when it is very hot, humid or too cold outside. If you feel stiff in the morning, work out later in the afternoon or evening. Listen to the biological rhythm of your organism.
4. Be persistent. It may take weeks or months to notice you’re losing weight. However, first positive results of your physical activity should be noticeable straight away. You should really feel more flexible and energetic in the very first weeks.
5. Don’t think “No pain, no gain”. It is natural that you should feel your muscles ache after the first practices, but you shouldn’t continue doing sports if you feel a constant pain. Consult your physician or a sports trainer for further details. Maybe you do exercises incorrectly, maybe you need a break.
6. Your exercising should be enjoyable. For example, if you jogging or riding a bike, listen to your IPod or watch TV if at home. There are ways of making it enjoyable: make a stroll in the zoo, learn to play tennis or volleyball. It won’t be sports only- you will have an aim to win, too.

To be continued...Keep in touch.

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Sunday, July 26, 2009

Weight Loss Reviews-7 Exercises For Perfect Body: Shape Your Belly and Bum Zones!

It’s the summer time and you want to enjoy yourself wherever you go, whether it is a beach or the dance floor. But you aren’t confident about yourself especially your belly or bum. However, 7 exercises are just enough to shape those zones! Don’t starve and don’t take severe diets as this only makes you lose water from your body, your face and body get skinnier but not your tummy or bottom.

If you want to shrink your target zones, all you have to do is balance your nutrition and work out on your buns and abs. Do exercise every day to achieve maximum results. If you’re a beginner do one set of exercise. You can increase intensity to two three sets. Take a break between each set for no more then one minute. To achieve the best results, pause longer on the maximum muscular extension or contraction.

1. Lunges
Lunges work on your gluteus medius and, to a lesser extent, the gluteus maximus and the hamstrings. The drop-knee version is the most basic. You need to stand in a split stance, with feet about 3 feet apart. Keep both knees at about 90-degree angles at the bottom of the movement. Bend the knees and lower the back knee toward the floor, keeping the front heel down and the knee directly over the center of the foot. Keep the torso straight and abs in as you push through the front heel and back to starting position. Exhale as you lift up. Perform 1 to 3 sets of 10 to 16 reps.

2. Squats
Squat trains the muscles of the thighs, hips and buttocks. Stand straight, move your feet so they're just slightly wider than shoulder width apart. Point your toes slightly out. Keeping your weight on your heels and your feet flat on the floor, lower yourself down. Squeeze the buttocks, keep the back straight, knees unlocked and over the center of the foot. Lift yourself to an upright position using your upper leg muscles. Again lower yourself and repeat. Perform 1 to 3 sets of 10 to 25 reps.

3. Leg lifts
Come onto your hands and knees, wrists directly under shoulders and knees directly under hips. Keep both knees at about 90-degree angles. Lift one leg pointing your heel up. Lower the leg. Be careful not to bend your waist. Perform 25-30 reps. Change the leg.

4. Bent side leg lift
Lie on your side; support your head with one hand. Keep both knees at about 90-degree angles. Move your legs towards your abs, as if you have 90 degrees angle between your buns and waistline. Keep the knees together. Lift the leg up keeping the calf parallely to the floor and then lower down. Perform 25 – 30 reps then change the leg. Remember, don‘t straighten your leg while lifting up.

5. Crunch
Crunches strengthen your abs.
Lie down on your back and bend your knees, placing your hands behind your head or across your chest. Pull your belly button towards your spine, and flatten your lower back against the floor. On exhale contract your abdominals, bringing your shoulder blades about one or two inches off the floor. Keep your neck straight, chin up. Inhaling lower back down. Repeat for 15 to 30 reps.

6. Reverse crunch
Another good exercise for your rectus abdominis.
Lie on your back with knees bend and feet on the floor. Place hands on the floor. Inhale and bring your knees up towards the chest. Contract your abs and lift your hips off the floor in a very small movement. However, try not to swing! On exhale lower and repeat 25-30 times.

7. Side Abs Lifts
This exercise firms not only your torso (back, abs), but also your buttocks and inner thighs. Lie on your side. If you need to place your feet next to each other for stabilization that is fine. Cross your arms across your chest and place your hands on opposite shoulders. Hold your upper body straight and keep your neck straight with respect to your spine. Use the oblique muscles to raise your upper body off the mat. You should be bending at the hip and keeping your shoulders perpendicular to the floor and your abs and obliques tight during the whole exercise. Raise your body until the lower shoulder is about five or six inches off the floor and then lower back to the floor. Keep your body in control and make the movement slow and controlled. Hold the position when you reach the furthest point upward for a second and then lower yourself in a similar controlled slow motion. Repeat this exercise on the other side of the body by flipping and lying on the other side.
Start with 10-20 reps on each side, late increase the number of reps.

Think these 7 exercises-tips were good? Would you like to know more? Check out This Site and find more information how to lose weight ASAP.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Weight Loss Reviews: How to Suppress Your Big Appetite and Lose Weight/Acupuncture and Weight Loss

Acupuncture is considered as a new alternative medicine that helps to suppress appetite and lose weight.

Acupuncture and weight loss
It has been an integral part of Chinese therapy centuries. Normally this treatment is conducted by the insertion of very fine needles on the body's surface, in order to influence physiological functioning of the body. Its proper usage helps in lowering body weight, body fat, insulin levels, and lipid levels in the blood. It helps to fight cravings for carbohydrates, decrease appetite and in the process help in weight loss. Acupuncture points within the ear are used for general detoxification and weight loss. You can stimulate your palm with your fingers as well. For example, Lau-gun is a spot in the very centre of your palm. Press a little bit on this spot with your thumb and draw round circles clockwise. Che-gu is a spot on the outer palm side between your index finger and the thumb. You can stimulate it with a little bit of pressure. One more spot is in the middle right between the upper lip and your nose. You should massage it for 1-2 minutes in pulsing motions.

Last but not least. Some practical advises to suppress your appetite. Ironically, it has to do with food. Dietitians say “You want to eat? Drink something!”
But what to do if you are suffering from a constant wish to eat something?
They say that a decoction of one liter of water mixed with blackthorn and some minced black pepper, ginger and 2 spoons of honey make your appetite decrease. You can drink this during the entire day once you feel hunger.
Another good option is to drink stewed fruits prepared without sugar. You should separate fruits from the liquid and put half lemon (to 1 liter of this liquid) and some cinnamon. You should keep it warm and drink it whenever you feel really hungry.
And remember that every time you have an uncontrolled hunger feel, you have a right to have up to 30g of nuts and sunflower seeds, one piece of black chocolate or one tea spoon of honey along with your ordinary nutrition.

Would you like to know more? OK, Check out please This Site for more information: what program better to use to start lose weight ASAP and much much more...
Good luck!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Weight Loss Reviews: How to Suppress Your Big Appetite and Lose Weight/Find Your Motivation

If you want to lose weight, first you have to manage your appetite. Before we talk about one way to suppress your appetite and lose weight-exercising. Discover other appetite controlling tips.

Find your motivation. Motivation is very important to every activity you do. What becomes your motivation trying to lose weight and suppress appetite? Usually, it is the experience of other people. You have a friend that found strength and managed to suppress her hunger and lose weight? Do you want to be somewhat similar to those glamorous girls on the covers of the magazines? Are you any worse? Every woman can find her motivators which will not only help to lose weight, but primarily control the appetite.

Always in a good mood. Researchers have found the bond between good mood and the hunger. It turns out that feeling good has a whole lot to do with chemicals–brain chemicals called neurotransmitters and one of those is called serotonin. Research proved that serotonin has a two-pronged effect, activating specific neurons that slow appetite, while also blocking others that increase it. If you need to boost up your mood, just go outside for sunshine- it may indirectly help with serotonin synthesis. Also practice stress-defeaters throughout your day. Stress can reduce serotonin levels, so take a few minutes for slow, deep breathing, meditation, yoga or Pilates workout. As you see once again, exercise! Research shows that exercise boosts serotonin in the brain as well.

Be stylish!Fashion and style are so interrelated with beauty and slenderness. Uncontrolled appetite simply doesn’t go with your wishes to have nice stylish clothes that you want to get yourself and wear it in the size that you want. So use this as your motivation as well. Try to dress yourself fashionably-it will help you to observe your body.

Sleep!Researchers discovered that partial sleep deprivation alters the circulating levels of the hormones that regulate hunger, causing an increase in appetite and a preference for calorie-dense, high-carbohydrate foods. These two hormones are ghrelin and decreased leptin, a hormonal pattern that is consistent with decreased energy expenditure and increased appetite and obesity. Studies showed that in individuals who sleep less than 8 hours, body mass index was inversely proportional to sleep duration. In addition, short sleep was associated with low leptin and high ghrelin levels. These hormonal differences are likely to increase appetite, which could be responsible for the increased body mass index in short sleepers. So try to avoid the lack of sleep, because this may trigger a hormone in the blood that stimulates appetite and a desire for high-calorie food.

Would you like to know more?

OK, check out please this site for more information: what program better to use to start lose weight ASAP or Click Here discover the ultimate nutritional products to stay healthy and much more. Keep in touch!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Weight Loss Reviews: How to Suppress Your Big Appetite and Lose Weight

If you want to lose weight, first you have to manage your appetite. Dietitians give us numerous advices how to suppress the appetite by eating light food. But researchers have discovered some other appetite controlling methods that are even more efficient than a glass of water before your meal.

Physical activity suppress appetite

One way to control your appetite is by exercising. It was long believed that physical activity increases the hunger, but researcher’s state differently. Physical training stimulates and controls the amount of two hormones-ghrelin and peptide YY which regulate the appetite. Ghrelin is known to stimulate appetite, while the hormone peptide YY is known to suppress it.

Which exercises are better at affecting these hunger related hormones: aerobic or non-aerobic exercises? The researches show that aerobic exercise is more effective at suppressing appetite than non-aerobic exercise. For example, it was discovered that during the aerobic or treadmill portion of the study, ghrelin decreased, while the peptide YY increased. This indicates that their appetites were being suppressed. You can choose aerobic training for a greater suppression of your hunger. Even though fitness, yoga or weight lifting don't affect the levels of peptide YY, these sports tend to effect levels of the ghrelin, which drop and consequently suppress the appetite. Therefore along with the suppression of ghrelin, this is still a good way to maintain and build muscle mass. The more muscle mass you have, the more calories your body burns throughout your day.

However, many women complain about the increased appetite after the work out. Most of the times it is related not to the physiological issues, but to the psychological. Researchers advise to change the type of physical activity.

And what to do if you can‘t work out too often?

It might sound quite ridiculous at first, but…try to dedicate more yourself housekeeping. Once you feel hunger, start doing something useful at home. Let’s say, forget you have a dish washer and wash all your dishes by hand. Do the same with your laundry. Wash the floor, all the carpets and dust from your book shelves, clean the windows which, by the way, can be really physically challenging. A woman can always find work at home and thus suppress her appetite or even make her forget it. Let’s look at some of the typical house works that might burn calories (per hour):

- dish washing 220 kcal;
- floor cleaning - 325 kcal;
- window washing - 265 kcal;
- hand washing laundry - 700 kcal;
- ironing - 200 kcal.

Would you like to know more? Ok, check out please this site for more information: what program better to use to start lose weight ASAP.
And next time we will talk about other tips how to suppress your big appetite and lose weight. Keep in touch!